Anyone who purchases property must cross paths with a title company. In fact, the title company serves as an important hub for all real estate transactions, acting as a general agent of the buyer, the seller, the insurance company, the mortgage lender, and other related parties.

Title companies assess property titles to verify their legitimacy and ensure that a seller has the right to transfer property ownership to a buyer. They guarantee this verification by issuing title insurance and file all necessary binding paperwork. As part of their research, title companies conduct in-depth boundary surveys and perform financial due diligence to uncover any outstanding liens, taxes or mortgage payment on the property under scrutiny. They also facilitate property sale closings.

With all these ongoing responsibilities, title companies must do all that they can to streamline operations and heighten efficiency. This typically means completing tasks online and fostering virtual relationships with key partners that include mortgage lenders, insurance companies, real estate attorneys, property surveyors and government officials. Title companies that fail to partner with a reliable and proficient notary for real estate suffer a significant competitive disadvantage. And, in today’s tech-driven business environment, a notary signing company simply cannot be effective unless it operates in the virtual/mobile environment.

Property title industry leaders who want a marketplace advantage must take notice. Here are just three of the benefits of contracting with a high-quality notary signing company:

  1. Reliable Efficiency
    A good notary signing company must have the resources to meet or exceed best practices in terms of both accuracy and speed. This not only involves capitalizing on the latest technology, but employing the finest specialists in their prospective fields. For example, as one of the largest signing service companies in the United States, First Class Signing is able to process thousands of documents each month. We employ staff members dedicated solely to quality control measures that range from reviewing documents to processing emails in a timely manner.
  2. Instant Connectivity
    This is one of the best things about contracting with a notary signing company that supports comprehensive virtual and mobile operations. Clients can participate online or on network from any geographical location with connectivity. At First Class Signing, we use a cloud-based Remote Online Notarization (RON) system that allows our clients to log on from anywhere using any device.
  3. Round-the-Clock Accessibility
    Virtual notary signing platforms offer real-time access to electronic documents, signatures and records 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The mobile notaries of First Class Signing can also come directly to you at any time to perform e-signing on a device or to collect a wet signature at your convenience.

For more information about virtual signing and what a quality notary signing company can do for you,  contact First Class Signing today. We work closely with clients to provide signing support that meets their exact wants and needs.

Need a Signing Today?

First Class Signing Service’s home office is in Livermore, California, but we pride ourselves on delivering all-in signing solutions to clients nationwide, covering all 50 states and four U.S. territories.

What sets us apart is our exceptional team of 50,000-plus highly qualified signing agents who are dedicated to providing reliable and efficient signing services with utmost care and professionalism.